Registros encontrados: 3 Total Páginas: 1
1     Iglú Energy Savings
    Curso Certified Passive House Designer / Iglú Energy Savings . —  : fotocopias, 2019. —  : il., graf. — 
2     IBO - Austrian Institute for Building and Ecology
    Details for Passive Houses: Renovation : A Catalogue of Ecologically Rated Constructions / IBO - Austrian Institute for Building and Ecology (ed.), authors, Thomas Zelger [et al.] . —  Basel : Birkhauser, 2017. —  290 p. : graf. 33x24. — 
3     GONZALO, Roberto
    Passive House Design : planning and design of energy-efficient buildings / Roberto Gonzalo y Rainer Vallentin . —  Munich : Detail, Institut für internationale Architektur-Dokumentation, 2014. —  151 p. : il., plan. 30x22. — 
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