Registros encontrados: 4 Total Páginas: 1
    Between the museum and the city / Garofallo Architects ; Robert Fitzpatrick ; Judith Russi Kirshner ; Elizabeth A.T. Smith . —  Chicago : Museum of Contemporary Art ; College of Architecture and the Arts. University of Illinois, 2003. —  96 p. : il., plan. ; 16x23[apais.] cm. — 
2     SMITH, Elizabeth A.T.
    Case study houses : the complete CSH program : 1945-1966 / Elizabeth A.T. Smith; photography, Julius Shulman; editor, Peter Goessel . —  Köln, etc. : Taschen, 2002. —  440 p, : il.; plan. ; 34 [apais.] cm. — 
3     SMITH, Elizabeth A.T.
    The architecture of R.M. Schindler / organized by Elizabeth A.T. Smith and Michael Darling ; essays, Michael Darling [et al] . —  Los Angeles : Museum of Contemporary Art ; Harry N.Abrams, 2001. —  284 p. : il.; plan. ; 29 cm. — 
4     KOSHALEK, Richard
    At the end of the century : one hundred years of architecture / Richard Koshalek ; Elizabeth A.T.Smith ; essays, Zeynep Çelik [et al.] . —  Los Angeles : Museum of Contemporary Art ; Harry N.Abrams, 1998. —  336 p. : il.; plan. ; 31 cm. — 
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